Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Enter the Evil Monkey

So anyway, here he spawn. Not that there's much to see anyway, but still this is technically the first picture of him in full-sized baby mode. If you're not sure what you're looking at, this is his face...cute ain't it!?! (well I think so...don't really care what you think!)

Anyway, the round spot in the middle is his head, so just imagine he's laying on his left side as you're looking at him. So in that case, what you're seeing is his mouth on the left, to the right of that is the socket of his right eye above his nose, and his left eye is concealed in the shadow below. And yes for the smart-asses out there he is supposed to kinda look like a Conehead!!!

And this...well, erm, uhhh...the nurse said that they commonly referred to this as the, uh...umm, the turtle! OKAY, YES...this is the infamous package that I was raving about several months ago. What can I say, I can't help it, I needed to share it with the world. I mean seriously...just look at that thing. Really makes the old man proud you know! I mean seriously...WOW!!! Look at the size of that thing!!! ("Cut the chatter Red 2!!!" - hehehe)

Yeah okay, so that's complete stierscheisse. All newborn males come with engorged gentalia. They shrink to a more "normal" size after a few days or weeks. But hey, can you really rob me of my moment...

...I don't think so!!!


Mikey the Pikey said...

Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN!!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me how to fix the alignment error on this thing to the second part lines up with the picture properly?

Thanks in advance.

Reed said...

with all of't..know..what they're called, but they won't let the line split apart. try taking out some of the periods (i don't know what they're called.) it might work.

Mikey the Pikey said...

Hey, that worked!!!

Gee, thanks for letting me write in my own voice...that was great, yeah.

Anyhoo, thanks reed, one less thing to worry about.

And those are called ellipses, they're most common in fiction as opposed to this type of formal, column-style writing. And I probably use them too often anyway, but I write like I think...and sometimes well...

Reed said... i will forever know that...these...are ellipses.
by the way, i never did very well at all in english(grammar). D's mostly on my report card for that. however, i was very fortuante that in my freshman year of college for my second semester the professor, or someone made a typo and instead of a D i recieved a B. good times.
i am surprised that i didn't get an F, because the professor was fresh from Harvard and she was too pretentions to allow my humor to affect her grading scales. and she put her nose in the air because she was, "offered 6,000 for a few of (her) eggs."
i was never popular with the professors who didn't like me.

Reed said...

6,000 dollars

Herr Vogler said...

What's that in the top sonogram?

OH MY GOD!!! I see the face of the Virgin Mary in little Mikey's sonogram!!!

Mikey the Pikey said...

Funny! Very amusing!

You know, that's actually kind of ironic since he'll probably be a Halloween baby and I figure he'll come out with horns and a biforcated tail!

Mikey the Pikey said...

Grammar and English were usually my strongest courses. I used to sound all stuffy, pompous and arrogant. Then a few years ago I lightened up quite a bit so now I'm just pompous and arrogant.

Vogler once called me an elitist snob...and just because I made referrence to John Williams prominent use of Style Hongrois styling in his score for Dracula. Geez, what a prick!

Oh, did I mention he was probably right?!

Mikey the Pikey said...

Ok, fuck grammar skills...I just noticed that I forgot the possessive apostrophe in Williams' name. DERRRRR!!!!

I'm such a tool sometimes (shut-the-hell-up Brad!).

Herr Vogler said...

I didn't need to say anything, did I?

And I believe you meant 'reference' and bifurcated.

Herr Vogler said...

Sometimes we are too smart for our own good.

Herr Vogler said...

Now I'm just padding your responses.

Mikey the Pikey said...

Ah what the hell. I usually don't even know where I am half the time at 3 in the a.m.

And this isn't a FSM poll you cheeky monkey!