Friday, June 24, 2005

"I like football, and porno, and books about war."

So anyway, as I was flipping through channels the other day, I caught the next-day promo from The Daily Show. In it, Steven Colbert was interviewing former Californian gubernatorial candidate/porn star Mary Carey about her recent turn to the dark side, I, outing herself as a Republican. This "news" by the way has even made it to the pages of most of the major national papers and national news stations (point of fact, I first read about the whole thing on

It's kind of sad really that a leading news story in this country is about a woman, who gets paid to take it in the keester...on celluloid for that matter, that has admitted that she's part of the conservative right. But that's not why I'm here today. It really should be no surprise or shock that a member of the adult entertainment industry has decided to go conservative, it was bound to happen eventually. I read recently that as a whole, Los Angeles is supposedly one of the most conservative liberal cities in the country. During the last Presidential election there was even a documentary about Republicans in Hollywood. Now, whether or not Ms. Carey truly understands the principles and ideals that she is embracing is not for me to say. The hard right has gone out of its way, especially in the last five years, to deface and devalue everything that a woman like Mary Carey would seemingly stand for. But still, this isn't why I'm writing today.

This all started when Ms. Carey attended the President's annual fund-raising dinner on Tuesday. Among the highlights of her evening, she was quoted as saying, "I've only been a Republican for a couple of days!". If credibility were money, she just wiped her ass with a $100 bill. Can't you just imagine a conversation between Der Fuhrer and'd probably go something like this:

: Ith's thuch an honor to meat you Mithter Prethident.
W: No, really the honors all mine (check out the pair on this one).
Mary: You are thuch a great man, and tho hot.
W: And you're quite loverly too miss, I'm a big fan...weren't you in Sling Blade?
M: Thling Blade, no, no...I'm in porn.
W: Did you say corn?
Laura Bush: Those are adult films dear.
W: Oh... OH MY!
M: Jeeth, Mithter Prethident, I'd sure like to do you and the Firth Lady in a three-way!
W: I'm sorry, a what?!
L: That's a menage a trois, dear.
W: A menage a twat, that's French talk ain't it. Missy 're you some kinda liberal-commie-freedom-hatin' frog spy r'somthin'?!
M: No, Mithter Prethident, whatever do you mean...
W: Guards, take this woman out back and have'r shot as a terrorist!
Secret Servicemen: YES SIR!
M: (voice trailing) No, pleath, I'm not a thpy!!! NOOOO!!!
W: "Manage O'Twat", hmmph...we'll have to change that to somethin' more American, somethin like Freedom Orgy...I dunno,whaddaya think Dick?
Cheney (pulls his hand out of W's ass): Sounds good George! (re-inserts hand)
W: Condy, get on that right away!
Condoleeza: Javol, Mein Herr!!!

-Mary Carey is seen later in the evening, screaming, running butt-naked down Pennsylvania Avenue-

At any was, I believe, the next day when I saw The Daily Show promo. During the promo, she basically said that she though Dubya was a total hottie and that she'd love to do him. That's got to be at least 500 shit-covered dollars by now. My initial reaction to seeing her translated roughly as, "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!!". Now before someone freaks out and starts slamming my liberal nature or calling me a sexist, chauvinist pig, let me elaborate. My saying that had nothing to do with the fact that I think she's a chumscrubbing, hobag, skank twit. And furthermore, that is NOT my opinion of most pornstars. She's perfectly entitled to her thoughts and opinions (limited that they may be). But this country generally has a negative perception of women like her and the industry she's in, so please Mary, for the love of God, be're not helping.

This is the crux of what I'm here for today. I am, I'll admit, a bit of a pornographic connoiseur. Everyone has their hobbies, one of mine just happens to include nekid gorgeous womens in photos and on film and video. One of the local radio morning shows that I listen to has a game they like to call "Creepy Guy Bingo". It's basically bingo, but instead of letters and numbers, the spaces have "creepy guy" categories that they fill in with responses from listeners. These categories include: Loner Boner - guys who hang out at exotic dancing establishments...alone; Shoes/No Socks - self-explanitory; Class of '99 - guys that like to go to high school parties well after they've graduated; Pees Like a Girl - also self-explanitory; and to my delight and consternation...the Porn King - guys who have in excess of 5 pornographic films in their home. That's me, I won't say by how much, but that's definately me. I feel that indulgers of porn basically fall into three categories, simple, well-intentioned voyeurs (like myself), sicko-crazy-freaky-deaky-perv monkeys, and Europeans. I love women, read my profile, under interests it says, "the opposite sex". I also think that this current sexual revolution that many women under 35 are currently enjoying is a good thing as well. Admittedly, I'm sure I'll change my mind when I have a daughter of my own. By the time she's seventeen, her generation may well be one gargantuan nudist colony. Now, Ms. Carey's newfound Republianism isn't really a bad thing for herself or the world of porn. However her big, dumb mouth could be a blight on an already tarnished reputation. The perception of pornographic starlets tends to be that they're living Barbie dolls...beautiful, but basically just hollow plastic. Spoiler alert: some of them do possess I.Q.'s above that of your common, garden variety mushroom. A couple in particular are MENSA members...really! I know you can't correlate intelligence with either common sense, or sophistication...but at the same time, pretty doesn't have to equal dumbass either. Now I'm not going to go into some running commentary on what some of these women's home lives might have been like as they grew up, that's someone else's Ph.D in Sociology. But I will say that as someone who's read into the industry a little, and who fancies himself as a bit of an amateur student in human behavior, some of these people really have gotten a bad rap.

Porn isn't for everyone, even some of those who don't consider themselves a member of the current "moral majority", i.e. my type of people...middle of the roaders. Again, however, I'll admit that if I were to fall off the fence, it'd be to da West Si-eed (left if you're facing north :) ). Anyway, I like it (porn), and I cannot stand those people, particularly here in the U.S., who like to demonize the human sexual experience and use it as a platform to scrutinize and finger point as to what's wrong with this country. I suppose what I dislike even more are those, like Ms. Carey, who place themselves into the public spotlight, only serving to further fuel the argument of those who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I don't want to turn this into some sort of theological debate, but I can't think of one instance in any religion's text that says Thou Shalt Not Bump Fuzzies On Film. And more to the point, I cannot think of a single instance where religious texts shed a negative light on human sexuality at all. "Well what about Soddom and Gommorah?", you might ask and my answer would be that that was an example of human nature in general gone wrong. That was a story to demonstrate the evils of perversion and show that the truly wicked shall be punished. And who's to decide what perversion is? I would think that perversions are only those things that everyone within a society deem wrong. I think we as a people can all agree that sex with children, and animals, and rape...are wrong! But people fuck, animals fuck...hell, most bugs fuck, and we've all been doing it since the first multicelled organism crawled out of the primordial goop. Most medical professionals will tell you that fucking is not only healthy but necessary. It's arguable that not fucking is likely the true perversion. Look what a life of abstinence is doing to the religious leaders of the world. I guess my point, at it's most basic, is that your God, regardless of how you may worship him/her, has never really told you that sex is bad. Mr. Mackey said that drugs're bad, m'kay. But sex...not bad. I personally subscribe the the idea that any higher being, call it God or whatever, did not place us on this earth to live in fear of ourselves. And that if there is something after this life, and God is judging our lives to determine if we our worthy to receive it, then it stands to reason that God really just wants us to be good people, and live a little.

But there are still so many people, most of them in this country, that find it all too difficult to digest. If ever there was a need for evolutionary intervention, this is it. Those that are still disturbed by sex (read: people afraid of being human), need time to adjust, adapt, learn to accept realities of human nature. It could, and likely will take several more generations before the true majority of us are all on the same page. That statement naturally takes my side of the issue and assumes that my position is correct. I can live with that. Like my title suggests...I'm an asshole. And besides, I think we can all agree that having the Blondzilla's of the world slap the general public in the face with their "attributes" is a gross step in the wrong direction. I'm not saying we, as a people, should all embrace pornography, take it into our arms, place our hands on it's soft, pillowy breasts...stroke it gently, then harder, and faster, and faster...and FASTER...UNTIL IT EXPLODES!!! But we could all stand to lighten up a little, and some of us need help with that, so...I'll say it again...


p.s. Mary Carey also announced on that Tuesday evening that she'd be running as an "Independent" for Lieutenant Governor in the next election...GOOD LUCK CALIFORNIA!!!

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