Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Don't Go Away Mad...Just Go Away

So anyway, as I sit and mull the completion of my other post (or whether or not it's even relevant now with the election being over), I can't help but ponder on something else that's bothering me. There's a phenomena that's been plaguing us for some time now, and frankly...I'm tired of it. I'm cut-my-own-sack-off-and-choke-on-it-just-to-make-it-go-away tired of it. I think I'd like to refer to this phenom, this epidemic - if you will - as the In Vitro Celebrity. There's a wave out there of people who, regardless of whether or not they actually do anything, have achieved celebrity status of near epic proportions. Some are "artists" - musicians, actors, etc. (those in question have, more often than not, achieved more celebrity through their actions rather than their...'talent'), some are merely rich and bitchy. And to be honest, I'd like to put most of them in an unpressurized box and send them into orbit.

So, I give, for anyone who cares, my list of people I'm absolutely fed up with seeing (whether it be on my TV or my computer) and why:

1. Amy Winehouse

OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! What in the name of Mary and sweet, sweet bebe Jesuth is with this bitch?! For months she out-and-out plagued my internet with her exploits, and I didn't even know what she DID!!! I finally broke down and read enough of a single article to realize she's a - and I use the term oh so loosely - musician of sorts. Further research by way of iTunes made me realize that really...she's not bad! She's got this catchy 21st Century bluesy vibe going with a semi-pleasant raspy voice that, with enough listens, could really grow on you. But what the FUCK is her problem. Millions of people self-destruct all around the world every year without so much as a blip on anyone's why the hell do you have to go out of your way to make sure everybody in the free fucking world sees your descent into oblivion. If you need to get away that fucking badly...strap some cheap explosives to yourself, find a cave somewhere, and push the fucking plunger. Seriously, I'm growing a tumor from seeing you...go away.

2. Sienna Miller

If I may, can I ask a question? Who the fuck are you?!?! Supposedly you're an actress. Ok...fine, so I look up your resume on IMDB. Heh...I've seen TWO FUCKING FILMS (Stardust and Layer Cake) you've been in, and frankly...I don't remember you in them. To me, you seem like a poor man's Naomi Watts. I personally don't find you terribly interesting in any manner...which might explain why your presence in the aforementioned films went unnoticed. Unfortunately, thanks to the media, I do know that you used to be sucking Jude Law's cock. Then you stopped sucking his cock and started sucking...Rhys Fucking Ifans cock?!?! Ok sure, why not...bit of a step down appearance-wise, but personality and chemistry can go a long way (which explains my marriage, among other things). Then, poor, poor Rhys...he found out you weren't sucking his cock anymore when the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD found out you were naked in the Med, sucking Balthazar Getty's cock!!! Balthazar WHO?!?! Ok, so...apparently he's an actor too. He's actually had a fairly decent career - but most of the things I've seen him in I saw when I was in HIGH SCHOOL. Oh...and he's married - your little naked adventure is how his wife found out too! And now, apparently, you don't want to suck his cock anymore because he still wants his wife to do it! Please proceed to the cave on the left - in it you'll find a strung-out, anorexic, English crackhead - please assist her in a certain button that needs pushing.

3. Sarah Palin

Ok, so...with any luck, as of today we may never have to see this crazy bitch again. Don't get me wrong - I actually find her quite physically attractive in a MILF-y sort of way. But the bitch crazy, she wicked crazy! She's actually dangerously crazy. Which actually in some small manner makes me pity the people of Alaska...because now they have to deal with her again. On the other hand, the fucking idiots voted her in in the first place - so maybe they're getting what they deserve! To be honest, I think she should serve out her term then try for something on a federal level...just to see how she fares. Who knows, after a few years in Washington, she may actually get her shit together enough to be a welcome sight again. What she really needs is a few years there to get a little dirty and rub some of the Jesus off of her. Until then...please feel free to fuck off at your leisure. The cave is, again, to the left. You don't have to go in just yet...but feel free to enjoy this complementary front row seat to the show.

4. Kim Kardashian

Ok, this point this list is looking at the very least sexist, if not wholly misogynistic. That couldn't be further from the truth. The fact is however that most of the people in the media that I most want to go on a permanent vacation happen to be of the feminine gender. The fact is that as it stands at this moment, I can't think of any men that I want to be rid of - except maybe the entire cast of Entourage, what's the deal with that show anyway (does anyone think it's funny?!)? In the case of this young lady...well...I don't know really. I actually quite enjoy her "ass"ets as it were. Let's face it, of all the rich bitches in the news, she's arguably the most attractive - one might even go so far as to say she's the only one who's genuinely beautiful. She make my pee-pee tingle. But, in the immortal words of one Wendy Testeburger, "WHAT DOES SHE DO?!?!" And as the gentlemen in that episode appropriately answered, "She's a WHORE!!!" (note that that was supposed to be a positive response). She doesn't do ANYTHING! She's known for being rich, social, gorgeous, and having an awesomely ginormous ass!!! Yet, nary a day goes by where she doesn't pop up in my news headlines or on TV for something. And...thanks to Dancing With the Stars, we got to see her on a weekly basis...for a time. Honestly, she's truly the least troublesome of this lot, her most annoying traits being that she seems relatively ignorant, won't go away, is too rich for her own good, and made the mistake of letting her boyfriend fuck her in the ass and make a tape of it (ok, so only slightly envious). Not exactly a Nuremberg list of crimes...but still enough to wish her out of the public spotlight indefinitely - or at least until she gets an honest-to-goodness hardcore porn career going, in which case...the more the merrier!

5. The Unholy Blonde Trinity (Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan)

Let's all be honest, of the three of these women - to this day most men would say they'd still fuck the shit out of two of the three (guesses as to which one doesn't make the cut - come on...we all know who it is!). Poor Lindsay...such potential, only to completely and utterly fuck it up because you couldn't lay off the sauce, keep the magic powder out of your nose, or cover that panooch with a tasteful (but still sexy) pair of panties. And now you've sworn off the penis altogether (you know, a couple of years ago it was little dogs that fit into obscenely over-priced handbags - now it's finding the manliest carpet to munch on that you can get and denying it for months at a time...ah, trends). It's actually kind of nice to see that the ex-Mrs. K-Fed is making baby-step sized attempts to get her shit together. Too bad the old axiom still applies: you can take the whore out of the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the whore. Lil' sis Jaime Lynn is doing oh so good of a job of proving that. As for that rich, obnoxious, over-indulged, blonde bag of antlers, well...what's left to say at this point that hasn't already been said umpteen-thousand times. Just die already - maybe you're little pocket-pooch will go all zombie dog on you and have you for dinner - sooner rather than later would be preferable. I like Patton Oswald's take on Paris - he said something to the effect of , "...if she could get cancer of the AIDS of the leukemia of the eyes, that would be awesome - you know if a big, fat biker could just fuck that into her skull...that would be great!" And for the fates of the other two - the only thing that would make me actually want to keep them around is if they were paying me absolutely ridiculous sums of cash for the privilege of raping my noodle with their assholes on a daily basis.

Ok kids, these five have pretty much tapped me out for today...maybe I'll update the post tomorrow with more as it comes to me, until then, hope you enjoyed it, remember the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show, don't forget to tip your waitress, enjoy the veal...THANK YOU SEATTLE...GOODNIGHT!!!


the warrior bard said...

Well, I would like to make nominations for the male complement to this list:

1) Jim Cramer. He should never have gotten a show, much less a cameo as himself in Iron Man.

2) Joe the Plumber. See my comments on Herr Vogler's blog post.

3) That fuckin' guy in charge of Hell's Kitchen, which my sister-in-law watches incessantly.

4) Sarah Palin. Yes, she's irritating enough to encompass both gender categories.

5) Tom Cruise. Enough is enough, okay? Seriously, time to shut it down. My Thetans will thank you for it.

the warrior bard said...

By the way, Michael Crichton died. Is that going to be your next post? HA-haaaa, I'll be it is. Ahhh, I gave it away. I'm a bastard.

Bernie Mac... Michael Crichton... who's next to appear on the pikey's celebrity obituary page?

Word verification: astray

How... terribly appropriate for a comment that has deviated thusly.

Mikey the Pikey said...

I didn't write anything about Bernie Mac did I? Oh well...

Despite the fact that he was my favorite author, I'm not going to obit the late Mr. Crichton. It is a shame really though. Actually, I'm trying to shy away from the whole celeb obit thing in was getting pretty fuckin' morbid around here.

As to your submissions:

1. Jim Cramer is annoying as get all, but I don't follow him or see much of him so he's not a personal blight.

2. Joe the Plumber isn't worthy of mine, or anyone else's time. Here's the thing...beyond the next few days or maybe weeks, I don't see his quasi-celebrity status extending. He's nobody...a big mouth who got lucky with a televised blurb. He got his 15 minutes, and they're running guess is he's somewhere around the 14'30" mark. So he got an agent and an attorney and is keeping his options open. Who cares?! So he writes a book...again, who cares? In the end he's about as fascinating as a pimple on my taint. Some selected quotes will probably include: "I was born on the corner of East Bumfuck and You-Got-A-Pretty-Mouth Avenue", "The gun rack in my truck holds at least 4 assult rifles", I like drinkin' beer, fightin', sleepin' with cousins and sheep...and drinkin' beer!", "My daddy used to have me tie his shoes, then give me his special popsicle as a prize". His dream of being a super-plumber/country singer will likely never see the light of day because odds are...he doesn't have any measure of talent - he probably carries a better tune with his anus than with his vocal abilities. Maybe he and Williams Hung can record a duets album together. He's a novelty item of the moment that will go away pretty soon - especially now that his arch-nemesis has become The Most Powerful Man in the World Elect. That was quite an earful for a guy whom I've already stated as being a complete waste of my time.

3. Funny story...about a week ago, my mom and I kept hearing this beep every so often. We thought something was running out of battery power but we couldn't find it. Come to find out, my wife was watching the English version of Hell's Kitchen in the bedroom and they were bleeping out every few words the host-dude-guy (whatever his name is) was saying. Sure...he's a serious asshole, but he's not plaguing my life with his stupidity and eccentricities!

4. If Sarah Palin has a dick, well...I don't know, I'd have to think about it - again stupid, but strangely really hot! Ok, I've thought about it...if she's a hermi - we're good, but if there's no vagina...fuggidaboudit! If I could get her and Tina Fey in some sort of 3-way, I could die a happy man. Palin falls well into the category of a song I once heard: the 3 Be's - Be Pretty, Be Naked, and Be QUIET!!!

5. I'm okay with the good Mr. Mawpother so long as he just keeps his midget mouth shut about shit he really has no business slandering. I still enjoy his films quite a bit - and try not to let the fact that he's become a psycho-ego-maniacal-cultist-weirdo fuck get in the way of that enjoyment. To that end, Valkyrie is looking better and better with each new trailer!!!

word verification: surebra - the official word verification of surf bums everywhere!

the warrior bard said...

Hey now. I find a pimple on your taint very fascinating.

Herr Vogler said...

My give up.

the warrior bard said...

You gave up without trying? Bradley. Uh, Bradford. Bradwin.

word verification: turdici


Mikey the Pikey said...

No giving up now General Jar-Jar, weesa tink of somting!

Herr Vogler said...

That's Bradwin the Destroyer to you!

the warrior bard said...

Bradwin the Destroyer vs. the Unsinkable Herr Vogler... who will emerge the victor?

Herr Vogler said...

That's one helluva psychological battle.

Word Verification: moshac

That's the name of my rabbi in an alternate universe.

Mikey the Pikey said...

I got $20 on the fat one...

Herr Vogler said...

You can't bet on yourself.

word verification: fulentur

"Sounds like Orc mischief to me."

Mikey the Pikey said...

Ah, ahhh, ahhhhhhhh.....OHHHH, snap - you got me!!!

Seriously man, you've got to get some new material.

At any blog, I can bet on whomever I want. :P

word verification: mastr - if someone gets "batr" I'll just shit. Seriously...I'll take a big, sticky, smelly shit all over myself!

Herr Vogler said...

Aaaaaaaaaaand we're done here.

This place is dead anyway.

Mikey the Pikey said...

What'd you expect...I basically extended an open invitation for somebody...hell, ANYBODY to steer this thing in a totally different (and horrible) direction.

...and nobody took the bait. Shame, really!

the warrior bard said...

We'll get the next one.