Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So anyway, my penchant for all things hot, neked and gyrating is relatively well documented by now. So having said that, that should be all you need as setup for what's to follow. As a public service, I present this:

Seems a certain lovely lass from a certain kick-ass flick about giant-fucking-alien-robot-carnage from summer last is filming a new one...and above, should one feel so inclined, can be found the first "spy-photos" from the shoot. Fair warning, this is not what you'd call, oh I dunno, work or public friendly...so look with caution. Nice to see she's been laying-off the bronzer though!

So, if everyone will excuse me, I'm gonna go hammer out a couple of knuckle children now. Anybody got a towel...and a cigarette?!

you're welcome...

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