Friday, January 06, 2006

Two Birds...One BIG Frickin' Stone!

So anyway, I may anger quite a few people with the following concept, but what the hell…I’ve got to say it. I propose that as a society, humanity as a whole should find some way of screening newborns for inherent genetic tendencies towards religious extremism, fanaticism, and/or evangelism (televangelism in particular), and euthanize them at birth. There…I’ve said it. That may seem overly fascist of me, but I can live with that. Through pure observation alone (I have no scientific evidence of this) I’ve come to believe that organized religion is going to be the downfall of humanity. Zealots, like most Republicans (one in the same – perhaps?!), are not stupid people. They do however tend to possess the biggest mouths and have an uncanny ability to get people (particularly those of lesser intelligence) to listen to them. Case in point, I give you Pat Robertson, whom yesterday proclaimed (on national TV no less) that God “smote” Ariel Sharon for pulling Israeli troops out of Gaza. The same Pat Robertson who just months prior suggested that the U.S. government assassinate Hugo Chavez for God! Smite can be a really fun topic. I love it when Lew Black makes reference to “smote”-ing. It’s funny. Guys like Robertson say it and the hairs on my neck stand up in fear!

Before I continue, let me clarify a few things. Firstly, I believe in God, or rather I tend to lean towards believing in the Judeo-Christian version of God. I believe Jesus Christ existed. I find calling him the Son of God a little trite and silly since I think we’re all essentially children of a higher being. I think he had a positive message and a pure heart, the ideals of which have been twisted and mangled for The Church’s bullshit political agenda for going on 2000 or so years now. I believe people need to believe in something. I think it’s healthy, if not necessary to believe that there’s something after this life. I do. I’d go completely crazy (instead of just mostly crazy like now) if I knew there wasn’t anything after this life. I like thinking that my father and grandmother are waiting for me in another plane of existence. And I certainly would never begrudge someone for believing in God, mine or their own.

But God is also a dangerous concept. It’s the oldest statistic known to man: More wars have been fought - more blood shed - in the name of God than any other thing in history – ever! A few months back, I read a “news” story online about an entire Christian parish from somewhere in Bumfuck, Kansas that felt inclined to drive to Oklahoma (I think – maybe it was Kentucky…I need to look it up again I guess) and protest at the funerals of two of our boys who were killed in action in Iraq because “God was punishing them for America’s acceptance of gays.”




I’ve heard some insane shit in my time, but that was just incredible. This is America, we’re guaranteed by law the right to think as we please…but…

That brings me to my second ‘bird’ as it were. What is the point of blogging? I bring it up because Warrior-Bard's latest posting seems to demonstrate an individual in a mild crisis regarding this subject. I only know the guy by association (through Vogler), but I’ve been reading him regularly since he started his blog and I find him to be an interesting fellow who shares similar interests (that is, after all, how our little web-community found each other to begin with isn't it?!). If I were to offer a single critique of his blog, it’s that he seems far too concerned with everyone’s opinion of him and his thoughts. If anything, I’d say, enjoy the freedom. There’s a certain pleasure to be derived from anonymity (even between friends - at face value, that seems like an extreme contradiction, but I know what I mean, let's hope you do too!). My opinion is that your blog is what you make of it. If using your blog to write a 2000 page treatise on why midgets are the tools of the devil and should all be put to death, then that’s your prerogative. Granted you probably won’t win too many friends, but hey, maybe you’re not here to make them to begin with. Hell, this is all coming from a guy who wrote two large essays on the wonders of porn, and how contract killing sounded like a fulfilling profession.

So what’s my point in all of this? People can think what they want, but some should keep it to themselves. Blogging is a wonderful new outlet for venting, ranting and just generally getting your insane opinion into the open - do with it what you will. Don’t stress so much on what others think, you’re entitled to your thoughts. The extreme religious right should go to hell…

…and Pat Robertson is a tool. May the Lord smite him in his big, ignorant, self-important asshole!

Feel free to lay the smack on me as you see fit!


Reed said...

i personnally know and am friends with a couple of evangelistic christians. they are very nice people.

but i fucking hate evangelism. they are as inclined to push their own beliefs on you as are muslim extremists.

even though they may not murder you, they may drive some to murder.

so how do we go about lobbying the euthanasia to washington?

Mikey the Pikey said...

Well, we already kill people who kill people to show that it's wrong to kill people...I suppose you could put all the hyper-religious wacko's on death row with Bubba and Razorface - but then again, death row keeps it's inmates in isolation, so you'd lose the "make you my bitch" factor, and that just wouldn't me nearly as fun!!!

Reed said...

to quote George Carlin,

"i was catholic until i hit the age of reason."

Herr Vogler said...

I think that there's little doubt that Robertson believes this vitriol he spews forth on a daily basis (forgetting that Jesus was about love and not hate; perhaps he's been talking to himself every time he thinks he's been talking to the Metatron). The problem is he's so far-gone from reality that his hate has swallowed him whole. If there is such a thing as hell (a place devoid of the presence of the Almighty) then there's a special place reserved for all hatemongers to sit together (like the Germans, who will be sitting next to the French).