Well, here he is!!! The evil monkey has arrived. Actually he arrived on the 30th at about 7:30 in the evening, so yeah, I'm a little behind. Everyone say hello to Michael Conrad Shehan II. That's my dad's name by the way, not mine (I hate Junior, so did my dad, that's why my name's different. Anyone calls him Junior and they lose a vital organ - or maybe two!). Ain't he cute?!?!?! He was only 6lbs 2oz, which is about 2lbs less than everyone was expecting. Unfortunately he spent the better part of his first week in the N.I.C.U. (wasn't particularly hungry, and couldn't maintain his body temperature), but he's doing just peachy now.

And here he is with mommy. I'm betting after just 11 days he's already gained a good half a pound or more. He eats like a fucking horse! Mrs. Pikey would probably cut something off if she knew I'd put this picture out here. By this point, she'd basically been living in the hospital for a week.

Anyway, I'll leave you all with this one...kinda gets the old ticker all melty-like doesn't it. If you'll excuse me...I think I'm going to go cry some more now......
God I'm SO happy (*tears of joy come gushing out of eyes*) !!!