Thursday, November 10, 2005

Somebody Call Webster's, I've Got a Doozie!!!

So anyway, sorry about the hiatus, but the "monkey" on my back has taken up quite a bit of my time as of late. At any rate, I had the awful day to conquer all awful days at work the other day. There's little point in elaborating as to exactly why as it would take an intimate knowledge of what I do and the people I work with to fully comprehend it all, let's just say that, as a result of said catastrophe, I, The Pikey, invented a word to sum it all it comes...


That's right, fuckedtacular. When I first told Der Herr about it, his initial thoughts were along the lines of "Wow, um...ok! Is that negative or positive?!". Let me assure you all it's quite negative. Negative to a point where I'm considering sending it to Lewis Black and seeing if he'll use it in a rant.

I suppose one might define it as thus:

Fuckedtacular (adj.) - When a series of mindbogglingly insane events occurs, typically as a result of the actions of persons considered to be of less than average intelligence, so as to shake one's faith in humanity and generally completely ruin one's day (or perhaps week), and thus place one into a nearly uncontrollable state of homicidal rage, said events may be said to be...fuckedtacular.

In converse, Der Herr offered that if you drop the 'ed', you could perhaps make a positive connotation out of it. For instance, if you just pulled an all-night humpfest with (insert favorite supermodel/actress/singer/total hotty - and her equally hot best friend - AND you got it on tape!), and it was everything you ever dreamed it could be - to the point that you won't be able to have sex again for three months and no other experience on Earth will ever compare...ever, that could be said to be...fucktacular!

Alas, I'm currently experiencing the former (honestly - who will ever really get around to the latter?). Pity me...please?!



Herr Vogler said...

Doosie? Are you using a German phonetic spelling?

Mikey the Pikey said...

So I hit the wrong fucking key, sue me! (and I broke the dam!)