Friday, June 16, 2006

Smooth Move Ex-Lax!

So anyway, in the spirit of Lewis Black's now famous (or perhaps infamous, depending on which side of the fence you hang out on) rants on Michael Jackson and Dick Cheney - for those that are unfamiliar, his idea is that just saying their names is enough to induce a good belly laugh, one need not actually tell a "joke" on the subject - I give you:

George W. Bush.

Why, you may ask?! Well as no doubt the entire world (free or otherwise) has heard by now, our fearless leader, at an outdoor press conference two days ago, mocked a reporter for wearing his "shades" (as he so eloquently put it) to the event. Unbeknownst to the great one but now knownst to everyone everywhere (come on...please say somebody gets that!), said eyewear donning reporter has a degenerative optical condition that has rendered him...wait for it...LEGALLY FUCKING BLIND!!!

In the immortal words of Mr. Slave..."OH, JESUTH CHRISTH!!!"

I'd like to take this moment to hold my head down in shame on behalf of everyone in this country!

You can find the original story here. At this point, I've nothing left to say. He finally did it...he finally did something so fucking dumb that it rendered me speechless.


That is all.


Reed said...

i listened to that press conference on public radio. and was quite appalled (sp?) at how he treats other human beings. sure, they are trying to catch him being a jackass at every turn...but speaking down to them and such is probably not the best way to get them in your pocket.

anyway...later that night i saw the daily show and said press conference and was quite embarassed that he's the president. he seems to be full of pride at knowing all their names (even the substitutes) yet when it comes to some sort of affliction WHO GIVES A FUCK!
what an ass. i want to defect...the only question is...where?

Herr Vogler said...

I hear that Sweden is nice this time of year. Plus since more of the population is atheist than isn't, you don't have to worry about religious zealots or some head of state claiming authority from an All Powerful Being.

the warrior bard said...

Hey, just a few more years. Whoever replaces him can't be any more embarrassing, right? Maybe we'll get Arnold to run for president... yah, dat would be good.